So, you’re ready to get working. We’re thrilled to hear that because the construction industry really needs trained, dedicated employees just like you.

Were you aware that most member companies of the MCA identify finding skilled labor to fill their open positions as one of the greatest challenges to their businesses? It’s a fact. We need you to help build Montana.

Job-seeker Resources

While most of us know that guy whose uncle can get you a job at his brother-in-law’s construction company, plenty of other job-seeking resources are available.

Obviously, don’t discount the value of your connections. Keep your ear to the ground and be ready to act on any leads on jobs you might receive from family and friends. But don’t expect the perfect job to fall into your lap — prepare yourself to put in some time searching for open positions that fit your skill sets.

High schools, trade schools, colleges — The institution at which you receive your training has a vested interest in you, and your future employment. Check bulletin boards, watch for, and participate in, career fairs, and visit with your instructors regarding job openings that have come to their attention.

Job Service Montana offices — These offices, coordinated by the Montana Department of Labor and Industry, serve as one-stop centers for workforce development. In addition to providing job listings, employees at these offices coordinate training opportunities and more.

Apprenticeships — Through the Montana Registered Apprenticeship program, job-seekers can receive assistance connecting with businesses participating in the state’s apprenticeship program. This is a great way to earn money while learning a trade.

Online job searches — Online job boards like and more are gaining popularity with many construction companies. This is due to the ease by which job seekers can search and apply for jobs, and the rapid response employers get to their ads.

MCA — Check the MCA’s Job Bank to find open positions with association members.


When it comes to jobs in the construction industry, requirements for types of positions vary widely. Education level, skill sets, and even style of dress differ from job to job.

However, human resources officers do have a few tips/expectations that apply to candidates for any position:

  • Read applications carefully, and do what they ask — Applications are an opportunity to let prospective employers know you can follow instructions and pay attention to detail. Employers can tell a lot about applicants from the applications submitted.
  • Answer questions completely and honestly — Yes and no answers may work for some questions, but others require more effort on your part. Your answers should provide employers with a thorough, accurate understanding of your education, work experience, and more.
  • Neatness and spelling matter — It’s best if you can complete your application online. If you can’t, be sure your writing is legible and tidy. Also, it’s a good idea to have someone look over your responses before you submit them to check for any errors or lack of clarity.

In other words, if you want a shot at a job, put in the time up front to make a good impression.

Want some tips for creating an effective construction resume? Check out this article from Build Your Future.


“For all of our positions, we want people who confidently accept challenges, interact professionally, are willing to mentor others, are self-assured and consistently endeavor to do the right thing. It’s important to us that our employees have personal initiative, encourage positive change and manage conflict well.”

– Shawn Coffin, human resources director for Oftedal Construction

If you’re at this point in the process, the human resources officer thinks you look good on paper. Now, you need to make sure you look great in person!

According to Shawn Coffin, human resources director for Oftedal Construction, job candidates should use their discretion when it comes to appropriate attire for a job interview. For example, candidates for management positions should wear business attire, while laborers can be a little less formal. However, everyone’s appearance should be clean and well-groomed.

Here are some interview tips from Coffin:

  • Be punctual.
  • Use appropriate workplace language and manners.
  • Answer questions completely, yet concisely.
  • Come prepared with questions for interviewers. Here are some sample subjects to cover:
    • Pay
    • Benefits
    • Company culture
    • Advancement opportunities