Working hard on behalf of our members

As an affiliate of the national Associated General Contractors of America, MCA carries the message of our membership to local, state, and federal decision makers. With the guidance of our board of directors, MCA demands a seat at the table, representing the needs of the construction industry all day, every day. Whether MCA is advocating for infrastructure funding, weighing in on highway specs, or monitoring Dig Law discussions, we aren’t just a part of the discussion, we are one of the conversation leaders.

MCA Legislative Scorecard

 The MCA produces this scorecard following each legislative session to highlight the issues that were most important to the construction industry and advise our members regarding how their elected officials represented their interests through votes on key legislation. New in 2019, we didn’t identify the parties the legislators represent. This was done intentionally, in an effort to demonstrate the MCA’s commitment to being an association that scores its legislators on the way they vote on issues, not their political affiliation.

2023 MCA Legislative Scorecard