What do we do?

The MCA Board of Directors is dedicated to ensuring favorable regulatory and business climates for Montana construction companies, and the businesses that provide products and services to them. One important tool the MCA has to accomplish these goals is the Montana Contractors PAC.

​PAC funds are used to help elect local and state-level candidates who are supportive of priorities established by the MCA Board of Directors on behalf of the association’s members.

Members of the PAC include the MCA’s officers, the past presidents’ representative, and the Associates Division representative.

​By law, the Contractors PAC cannot accept corporate donations. All contributions are reported to the Commissioner of Political Practices in accordance with Montana law.

MCA Contractors PAC Builders Club 2023/24

Distinguished Master Builder – $5,000 & up

  • Lonnie Anderson

Master Builder – $2,500 & up

  • Bill Langlas
  • Theron & Kelly Pavlik

Journeyman – $1,000 & up

  • Trevor Livesay
  • Kyle Schellinger
  • Robert Warren
  • Tom Zimmer

Apprentice – $300 & up

  • Dale Anderson
  • Pat Drynan
  • Ryan Dunn
  • Cale Fisher
  • Hal Fuglevand
  • John Leaf
  • Andy Mathison
  • Jeff Milesnick
  • Mike Newton
  • Deb Poteet
  • Patrick Rapciak
  • Steve Sandherr
  • Guy Slaybaugh
  • David Smith
  • Tyler Smith
  • Brian Thompson
  • Steve Wade

Contractors PAC Builders Club Contribution Levels

Distinguished Master: A contribution of $5,000 earns an elite “distinguished master” membership in the PAC Builders Club. As a distinguished master, your name will join those of a select group of your peers on a permanent recognition plaque displayed on the wall at the MCA office, along with all the benefits listed above.

Master Builder: A contribution of $2,500 earns a “master builder” membership in the PAC Builders Club. You will be recognized with a plaque to display in your office, in addition to all the benefits listed for “journeyman” level contributors.

Journeyman Level: A contribution of $1,000 in the calendar year earns a “journeyman” membership in the PAC Builders Club. You will be acknowledged in the MCA’s Building Montana Magazine, during the January convention, and receive an MCA logo button-down shirt.

Apprentice Level: A contribution of a minimum of $300 cumulatively to the PAC in the calendar year earns an “apprentice” membership in the PAC Builders Club. You will be acknowledged in the MCA’s Building Montana Magazine and during the January convention.

To contribute, contact the MCA office at (406) 442-4162.